Chosen Vessel Baptist Missions
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What We Believe

Please take a moment to read through our doctrinal statement and find out what we believe.  You can download or print a copy from the link below.

CVBM Doctinal Statement.pdf


1. God: We believe there is one triune God, eternally existent in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

as taught in the scriptures. [Duet. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; I Cor. 6:8; Col. 1:19]

2. Deity of Christ: We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His death, burial and bodily resurrection from the

dead. We believe that through this He made it possible for the remission of mans sins and the reconciliation of man back

to Himself. We also believe in Christ's bodily ascension into heaven after His resurrection. [Matt. 1:18, 23; John 1:14;

Acts 1:9-­­10; Rom. 5:8-­-­9]

3. Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit is presently occupying this world in order to minister to both the saved and the

unsaved. He ministers to the saved through comfort, strength, guidance, and conviction of one's sins. He is also the seal

of our salvation. He ministers to the unsaved by wooing them to Christ and showing them their need of salvation.

[Acts 2:1-­4; John 14:26; Eph. 1:13]

4. Scriptures: We believe in the inspired Word of God as contained in the sixty-­six books of the Old and New Testaments.

We believe them to be inerrant, infallible and preserved in the King James Bible by the "Divine Hand of God" for all

English speaking people of our day. [II Peter 1:20-­-­21; II Timothy 3:16; Psalms 12:6-­-­7]

5. Fall of Man: We believe that man was created by the direct act of God, in His image, innocent of sin. That by Adam's

choice he sinned against God and brought sin and its consequences upon all of mankind. [Gen. 1:26; Rom. 3:10-­23; 5:12]

6. Salvation: We believe that men are saved by the grace of God through his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and not by

works of any sort. We believe that salvation is offered to all men, and whosoever is born-­again is sealed " till the day of

redemption", never to perish. [John 3:16; 10:29-­29; Rom. 10:13; Eph. 2:8-­9; Rom. 8:38-­39]

7. Satan: We believe in the existence of Satan, the deceiver and prince of the present world, also called the devil. We

believe he was once a beautiful angel and the minister of the music in heaven, but sinned against God and fell from his

heavenly state never to be reconciled back to his former position. His final judgment and punishment is to be cast into

the Lake of Fire for all eternity. [Isa. 14:12-­17; Eph. 6:12; Gen. 3:15; Rev. 20:10]

8. Hell: We believe in a literal hell as a place of punishment and torment where unbelievers go at the time of their death.

That it was originally created for the devil and his followers and not for mankind. We believe that hell and all those who

dwell there will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. [Luke 16:19-­31; 12:5; Rev. 20:11-­15]

9. Return of Christ: We believe in the imminent return of Christ. That it will be personal, visible, and pre-­tribulational.

It is at this time He will call His bride home "and so shall we ever be with the Lord". After the Rapture of His church

God will begin to pour out His judgment upon the face of the earth and those who have rejected His Son Jesus. After

which He will return again to the earth and set up His thousand year reign. [John 14:1-­3; 5:29; Acts 1:11; I Thes. 4:13-­18;

I Cor. 15:51-­58; Rev. 20:11-­15]

10. The Church: We believe that the church is the institution that Jesus set up here on earth to carry out His will in this

dispensation of time. That it is made up of "born-­again", baptized, believers who make up His body and bride. That

all ecclesiastical authority is through the "local church", with Jesus as its head, under the earthly leadership of each

individual pastor of said congregation;; independent, indigenous, local and self-­governing from any outside influences,

persons, or groups. [Eph. 1;22-­23; 5:25-­27; Matt. 28:16-­20; Acts1:8; 2:41; I Tim. 3:14; Acts 13:1-­4; 15:19-­31; 20:28;

Rom. 16:1,4; I Cor. 3:19,16; 5:4-­7]

11. Separation: We believe that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Lord and

Saviour Jesus Christ;; and that separation from all religious apostasy, all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices and

associations is commanded of God. [Rom. 12:1-­2; 14:13; II Cor. 6:14-­7:1; II Tim. 3:1-­5; I John 2:15-­17; II John 1:9-­11]

12. The Great Commission: We believe that it is the job of every believer in Christ to be active in the propagation of the

salvation, baptism and spiritual growth as found in Scripture;; both local and world-­wide. [Matt. 28:19-­20;

Mark 16:15-­16; Acts 1:8; II Cor. 5:17-­20]

13. Ordinances of the Church: We believe that God has ordained two ordinances for the church. The first being baptism

by full immersion, the second the Lord's Supper. The qualification for one to participate in either ordinance is that one

must be born again. [Acts 2:41; I Cor. 11:23-­30]

14. We are NOT, nor do we support any of the following: The Ecumenical Movement: We believe that there is one way

of salvation, one God and one true church, and that the true church should not have any fellowship with any false

religions. We do not believe in the coming together of a one world church. The Charismatic Movement: We believe in

the movement of the Holy Spirit and in the true worship of God, but We do not believe in the use of tongues in the

church in this present dispensation. We also do not agree with some of the other teachings in the Charismatic movement.

Neo-­ Evangelicalism: "social gospel". Neo-­Orthodoxy: "The teaching that denies the inerrancy of the Bible."

Hyper-­Calvinism: We believe that God paid the price of sin for all of man-­kind, and that whosoever will shall be saved.

We believe that all men have to make a choice of salvation for themselves. We believe in the omnisciency of God, in

that He knows who will and won't accept His salvation but leaves man to make the choice of whether to accept or reject

God's salvation. We do not believe that God chooses in any way who will and will not be saved.

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